Microcybin – FLOW LSD Microdosing | 150ug/15ml



Day 1: Take a starter dose of 0.25ml/2.5ug under the tongue, after 20 -40 minutes gauge the effects and note tolerance. If desired add another small dose of 2.5ug.

Day 4: based on your starter dose, take your dosage of 2.5ug – 10ug under the tongue and repeat every 4 days. The effects will continue and gradually step down until the 4th-day cycle repeats.

Note: Based on our internal research it is found to best take in the morning or early afternoon to prevent effects lasting into you sleep cycle.

150ug/15ml (30 – 60 doses)


Genesis LSD-25

High-quality synthesized original LSD formula

The LSD puts you in an energized flow state, opening the creative channels of the brain allowing you conquer the tasks that may stand in your way.

Most people notice feelings of creativity, positivity, increased focus and energy. The default brain network starts to relax and the connectivity of the left and right hemispheres in the brain start to light up. This new neurological state of improved communication leads to plasticity in the brain. When we consistently allow the brain to be in this state of increased communication, the neurons that were previously disconnected can now fire together and therefore wire together leading to neurogenesis. Over an extended period of time this state of neurogenesis becomes the brains default state and the improved communication induced by the LSD becomes more or less permanent.


Day 1: Take a starter dose of 0.25ml/2.5ug under the tongue, after 20-40 minutes gauge the effects and note tolerance. If desired add another small dose of 2.5ug.

Day 2: Do not dose, the afterglow effects of Day 1 LSD will still be present.

Day 3: Do not dose, this is your recovery day, helps to avoid tolerance build up and potential overstimulation of neurological receptors.

Day 4: based on your starter dose, take your dosage of 2.5ug – 10ug under the tongue and repeat every 4 days. The effects of the medicine will slowly step down into a state of full recovery and at this point the 4th day cycle can be repeated.

Note: Based on our internal research it is found to best take in the morning or early afternoon to prevent effects lasting into your sleep cycle.

Genesis LSD-25
High quality synthesized original LSD formula.
Structured Silver 10ppm
A natural preservative and a component in our formula to improve conductivity through the nervous system and cells creating synergy with the Microcybin LSD Flow.
Programmed Distilled Water
Using distilled water and programming it with natural perpetual life frequencies using light. orgone cannons and sound technologies


We have created this microdosing guide to help better assist you in your relationship with microdosing the revolutionary third wave of Psilocybin.

Day 1

Take one capsule on an empty stomach upon awakening. We recommend you have a precise idea of how the Microcybin® feels without ingesting any other supplements; which may alter your understanding of the dosage. Everything we consume has an effect on our physiology, which can make it difficult to gauge what is what outside of concepts we have heard about.

We want to teach ourselves how things make us feel, then remember that so we can create a skill. We want to build the skill of microdosing so it works for us, instead of something just happening when we take a capsule. Don’t worry you’ll learn to get really good at this.

(20 to 40 min later.)


By now you should start to feel the Microcybin® working. Gauge how you feel. Most people notice an improved sense of well-being, more energy, focus, positive mood and a flow of creativity. This is due to improved communication between the right and left hemispheres of the brain and the Microcybin® effect on the 5-HT2A receptors.

Feeling the effect of this should represent a strength of about 5%-10% in the background. This is a sub-perceptual dose, so even though you may feel it subtly it is doing its work in the background. What we are actually aiming for is a change in the plasticity of the brain.

When we consistently change the environment of the brain by improving communication, mood, focus and creativity we induce neurogenesis; this allows us to re-pattern the brain to make these results permanent.


The results from the last step will determine how we move forward. Sometimes it takes a couple of days for the Microcybin® to build effect. From our experience this is due to the Microcybin® learning your system, cleaning out pathways and building a relationship with the body. Most people are able to gauge their dose in the first few days, don’t worry if it takes a bit longer, this is about consistency and rebuilding, not masking symptoms.

Booster Dose

After building a skill of micro dosing on the recommended protocol, we can add a “Booster Dose” at the tail end of the Morning micro dose. After 4 – 6 hours from the first dose we can take another capsule in the afternoon.

This will work symbiotically with the original dose and extend the positive effects as needed. We recommend you only do this once or twice at most during the week, as we do not want to build up too much of tolerance and give the receptors time to refresh.

Ready To Go

These Protocols have been used and tested by Microcybin® for over 24 months and based on our formula, research and trials, this is the most effective way to create permanent results of neurogenesis in the brain.

The Microcybin® protocol can be done with substantial effects within a 6 -12 month period, after that continuation is optional if desired.


Medications And Interactions

Although there is limited research on the interactions of other medications we strongly suggest you refrain from mixing prescription medications, alcohol and especially medications that act on or work with the serotonin system.

Healthy Adults

This information is for responsible adults and is not recommended for anyone under the age of 19. Psilocybin works best with a developed adult brain. Please use your freedom to choose, to choose responsibly.

Mental Conditions

Those individuals who are pre-disposed to psychosis should never try psilocybin, even in microdoses. Although it’s a revolutionary natural medicine, proper guidance and monitoring is strongly recommend by professional integration coaches and experts in a safe setting. It is highly likely these services will be available in the future by organizations that are monitored and governed by Health Canada.


The vast majority of people who microdose Psilocybin Mushrooms have no issues with their emotional state, psychological well-being and productivity at their home or office; most actually improve in all these areas substantially. Nevertheless, there are a few that report some irritability and an uncomfortable level of emotional release, although uncomfortable this is still a positive effect.


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